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Since our early days, we were blessed to meet and work with so many inspiring professionals, of all ages, who helped us tune our software, fix early issues and errors, offer unwavering guidance and important new features, and help us grow to where we are today. We owe them all a huge gratitude, thank you from the bottom of our 💚.

We're thrilled to share a few testimonials from these awesome people:

"Before implementing SlabQR in our factory, we struggled with disorganization and unnecessary duplication of marble slab purchases. The software has greatly improved our inventory management, saving us a ton of money annually. It has been a quick and worthwhile investment."

R. Messini, VP Production

"As a large factory manufacturing specialty glass products, it is essential for us to manage inventory efficiently and in an orderly manner. SlabQR has allowed us to track every slab and every leftover, prevent waste, and improve collaboration between departments. I highly recommend this software!"

T. Bargolio, Factory Manager

"I am impressed with SlabQR's ability to simplify the process of locating slabs in our (and other) factories. It allows us to easily find halves and materials, saving costs and protecting the environment. The software is a significant upgrade for our factory."

G. Vartic, Sales