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Our story started from a small factory that specialized in producing and cutting marble countertops for kitchens and bathroom cabinets. Over time, it has evolved into one of the leading factories in the area, offering high-quality marble panels from top international brands.
After years of growth and expansion, the company began to face logistical challenges in managing the inventory of the slabs, especially halves and remainders after cutting. The need to maintain an orderly and efficient work environment, as well as the aspiration to maximize material utilization, led the company's management to look for an innovative technological solution that would streamline the sorting process and inventory management.
After an extensive period of research and development, the expert team at Paper Kite Systems initiated, designed, and built the SlabQR software to address a critical need that emerged from the industry.
This unique platform is designed to manage the inventory of slabs, halves, and remainders for manufacturing plants in the marble industry. The software was developed in collaboration with a leading kitchen marble factory, leveraging their extensive experience and knowledge of the essential needs for running a marble factory.
The software is built on a smart database system that efficiently and accurately tracks every slab and remainder. Additionally, the software includes mechanisms for sharing information with other factories, maximizing material utilization and reducing the need for new purchases.