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Privacy Policy

Welcome to SlabQR, an online service operated by Paper Kite Systems I.K.E.

Last update: 2024.12.24 12:24

We know that You care how information about You is used and shared, and We appreciate Your trust that We will do so carefully and sensibly.
This document describes Our privacy policy; We urge You to read it thoroughly. Before deciding to use and access Our website, social media accounts, products, services, and other content We share online or offline (collectively, "Content" or "Our Content"), You are required to agree to contents of this privacy policy, and abide by its conditions.
The words "We", "Us" refer to SlabQR, while "You", "Your" refer to the person reading this document, and "Users" refer to individuals accessing and using Our Content. Please be advised that this Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites, products, and/or services, even if We provide links to them or vice versa.
Section 1: What kind of data We collect from You?
We collect data from You as given below:
  1. Personally Identifiable Information ("PII", henceforth)

    PII is the type of information that helps to identify a particular person, and it includes, without limitation: name, date of birth, age, nationality, gender, signature, pictures, phone number, home and/or email addresses, and formal identification information, such as social security number, taxpayer identification number, passport number, driving license details, national identity card details, photograph identification cards, and/or visa information.
    Although the list of PII is extensive, We do collect a subset which You are required to enter when You sign up to Our services, or subsequently in other scenarios where such information is required to carry out Our services to You.
  2. Non-Personally Identifiable Information ("Non-PII", henceforth)

    We collect some Non-PII which includes, but not limited to: IP address, device type, device location, domain name, software, hardware, browser type and version, and more.
  3. Information We collect from third-parties

    We do not collect any information about You from third-parties, except when:
    1. You approve a request to share Your information obtained from a third-party with Us;
    2. We are required to obtain such information in order to deliver Our services to You;
    3. We need to verify Your identity and/or Your company's legal status and/or Your bank account or credit card details;
    4. Verify that You are not on any sanction list maintained by public authorities;
    5. We are required by law to do so.
  4. Financial information

    We may collect some of Your financial information including, without limitation: bank account, credit card details, Your company's financial status, or other information that We require in order to provide You with a continuous and secure service.
  5. Commercial information

    We also collect some of Your commercial information including, without limitation: trading activity, order activity, deposits, withdrawals, and account balances.
  6. Credit and fraud information

    You agree that We may also collect some of the information including credit investigation, eligibility, and detection of any illegal activity.
  7. Information for correspondence

    You agree that We may also collect some of the information You provide to Us in correspondence, including account registration and customer support.
  8. Institutional information

    If You are an institution using Our services, We may collect some of Your information including, without limitation: legal name, EIN, identification number issued by the public authorities, and proof of legal existence, articles of incorporation, certificate of formation, business license, and/or trust instrument.
  9. Additional information

    We may also collect some of Your information, such as criminal records or alleged criminal activity, or information about any person or corporation with whom You have had, currently have, or may have a financial relationship with.
Section 2: Why do We collect Your information?
We collect Your information for the purposes provided herein:
  1. To provide You services operated by Us or, in some occasions, by third-parties;
  2. To give You access to Our services;
  3. To send You important notices;
  4. To facilitate communication with You;
  5. To comply with contractual and legal obligations, investigations or purposes;
  6. To conduct research and surveys to better the services We provide to You;
  7. To improve Our services;
  8. To monitor the activity of Our services;
  9. To deal with complaints and disputes;
  10. To prevent frauds and other illegal activities;
  11. For billing purposes;
  12. To comply with the law.
Section 3: How do We share Your PII?
We share Your PII to:
  1. Service providers

    We may share Your PII with third-party service providers for business or commercial purposes. Your information may be shared so that third-parties can provide Us with services, including identity verification, fraud detection and prevention, credit verification, security threat detection, payment processing, customer support, data analytics, information technology services, advertising, marketing, data processing, network infrastructure, storage, transaction monitoring, and tax reporting.
    We share Your Information with these service providers only so that they can provide Us with services that allow Us to provide You with Our service, and We prohibit Our service providers from using or disclosing Your PII for any other purpose. Our third-party service providers are subject to strict confidentiality obligations.
  2. Affiliates

    We may disclose Your PII to any of Our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers, or subcontractors as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy. We may also disclose them to any member of Our group of companies, Our subsidiaries, Our ultimate holding company, and all its subsidiaries, as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
  3. Law enforcement

    We may share Your information with law enforcement, government agencies, and regulators:
    1. If required to do so by law;
    2. For ongoing or prospective legal proceedings;
    3. For establishing, exercising, or defending Our legal rights, including, without limitation, providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk;
    4. For prevention of fraud and other illegal activities.
  4. Corporate transaction

    We may disclose Your PII in case of a proposed or consummated merger, acquisition, reorganization, asset sale, or similar corporate transaction, or in case of bankruptcy or dissolution.
  5. Professional advisors

    We may share Your PII with Our professional legal, accounting, or other consulting advisors for purposes of audits or to comply with Our legal obligations.
  6. Approval

    We may also seek Your permission, from time to time, to allow Us to disclose Your PII for other matters.
  7. Corporate and business purposes

    To the extent permitted by law, We may disclose Your PII for any other legitimate business purpose.
Section 4: How do We secure Your information?
We have implemented measures designed to secure Your PII and other data ("Data", henceforth) from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. We remain concerned with protecting Your Data, but We cannot ensure and warrant the security of any Data You transmit to Us. No method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, We cannot guarantee absolute safety of the Data, and any transmission of Data is at Your own risk.
To the extent of what We can or cannot do, You hereby understand and acknowledge that We cannot be responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Services.
We have taken the following measures to ensure the security of Your Data:
  1. All communication with Our websites are carried out over SSL or TLS.
  2. Strict policy to validate Your, and others', email address and/or phone number before You, or they, can use Our services.
  3. Not ask nor store any passwords in Our database. Instead, We send You a random number as a means of identification whenever You want to sign in to Our website.
  4. Periodic review of Our collection, backup, storage and processing practices.
  5. Restricted access of Your Data for Our employees, contractors and agents.
  6. Advanced, role-based security system to guard against any access to, or modification of, Your Data.
Section 5: What rights do You have regarding Your Data?
In relation to the information that We have about You, You have certain options that You can exercise by visiting Your account settings and, if You still need help, Our help center.
  1. To the extent permitted by law, request access to the information We collect and hold about You. We'll usually share this with You within 30 days of You asking Us for it.
  2. Have Your information corrected or deleted to the extent permitted by law. You can update Your information in Your profile or delete Your data by closing Your account.
  3. Object to Us processing Your information to the extent permitted by law. You can ask Us to stop using Your information, including when We use Your information to send You marketing emails or push notifications. If You opt out of receiving marketing messages from Us, We may still send You mandatory updates about Your account.
  4. To the extent permitted by law, request more details about the information We collect and how and why We use and share it.
We will not discriminate against You if You choose to exercise Your options related to Your PII. We work to be clear with You about Your options and the consequences of exercising such options.
Section 6: For how long do We maintain Your Data?
We retain Your information for as long as is reasonably necessary to provide services to You, for Our legitimate business purposes, and to comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations.
If You close Your account with Us, We will continue to retain Your information as necessary to comply with Our legal and regulatory obligations, for example; for fraud monitoring, detection and prevention, and for Our tax, accounting, and financial reporting obligations.
Section 7: Do We transfer Your Data internationally?
As a business operating globally, Your Data may be stored and processed in any country where We have operations or where We engage third-party service providers.
We may also transfer PII that We maintain about You to recipients in countries other than the country in which such PII was originally collected. Those other countries may have data protection or privacy rules that are different from those of Your country. We will take measures, however, to ensure that any such transfers comply with applicable data protection laws and that Your PII remains protected to the standards described in this privacy policy.
Please note that in certain circumstances, courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, or security authorities in those other countries may be entitled to access Your PII.
If You are located in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), the UK, or Switzerland, We comply with applicable laws to provide an adequate level of data protection for the transfer of Your PII to the US and other third countries.
We may transfer Your Data from Europe to third countries outside of Europe, including the US, under the following conditions:
  1. To satisfy Our obligations to You concerning Our services.
  2. If You have consented Us to transfer Your Data to a third country. You can withdraw Your consent anytime, however. Please note that Our service may not be available to You if You do not consent under some circumstances.
Section 8: Cookies and other technologies
In order to fulfill our obligation to provide You with our services, We must make use of cookies. A cookie is a text file placed on Your storage device, normally a hard disk, an SSD, or a mobile phone, by a website or a Web server, and is uniquely assigned to You and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to You.
It is beyond the scope of this document to explain the technicalities associated with operating and using cookies, so We advise You to seek out such information yourself.
We use Cookies to help Us recognize You as a customer, collect information about Your use of Our services to better customize Our services and Content for You, and collect information about Your computer or other access devices to:
  1. Ensure compliance with Our policies;
  2. Detect irregular, suspicious, or potentially fraudulent account activities;
  3. Detect if Your account has not been compromised.
Third-party tracking technologies that may use cookies are not controlled by Us, and statements regarding Our policies do not apply to these third-parties or their use of information. We make no representations regarding the policies or practices of such third-parties.
Section 9: Third party sites
Your dealings with advertisers or other third-parties found on, or accessible through, Our services are solely between You and such third-parties.
Third-party links are provided solely as a convenience to You and should not be construed as an endorsement by Us. You shall access and use such third-party sites, including the content, items, or services on those sites, solely at Your own risk. We do not make any representations or warranties with respect to any content or privacy practices, or otherwise with respect to such third-parties or any items or services that may be obtained from such third-parties, and You agree that We will have no liability with respect to any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of any dealings between You and any third-party, or as a result of the presence of links or ads of such third-parties on Our Content.
Section 10: Communication and opt out
Subject to applicable laws and regulations, We may from time to time send direct marketing materials promoting services, products, facilities, or activities to You, or communicate with You using information collected from, or about, You.
You may opt out of such marketing communications at any time from Your settings.
You may also opt out of such communications by following the directions provided in any marketing communication We send out to You. It is Our policy to not provide Your PII to third-parties for their own direct marketing purposes without Your consent. If You opt out of marketing communications, please note that We may still send You necessary information about transactions or Our business relationship.
Section 11: Controls for Do-Not-Track features
Most Web browsers, and some mobile operating systems and mobile applications, include a Do-Not-Track ("DNT") feature that You can activate to signal Your preference not to have data about Your online browsing activities monitored and collected.
Currently, no uniform technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has been finalized, and to this extent, We do not respond to DNT browser signals, or other mechanisms that automatically communicate Your choice not to be tracked online. If a standard for online tracking is adopted that We must follow in the future, We will revise this privacy policy accordingly.
Section 12: Children under sixteen (16)
Our services are not intended for children under the age of 16 and We do not knowingly collect information of children under the age of 16.
If We learn that We have collected any PII from a child under the age of 16, We will promptly delete it from Our systems without notification. If You are under the age of 16 and are accessing and using Our services, You agree that You are doing so at Your sole responsibility, and We shall not be liable to You or Your guardian for loss of data or information, or damage to an entity You are linked with.
Section 13: Changes to the privacy policy
We can make changes in this privacy policy document from time to time at Our sole discretion. We kindly ask You to check Our privacy policy from time to time for the purpose of being updated. Your continuous use of Our services means that You have read, understood and accepted any change in this privacy policy.
Section 14: Questions and feedback
If You have queries, problems, complaints, or any feedback about Our services or this privacy policy, You are encouraged to contact Us via the contact page.
We will try to resolve any privacy complaint within fourteen (14) business days from when We have received all the information.