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Managing inventory for factories that produce and process marble, glass, steel, and other slabs can be a significant challenge, especially tracking leftover slabs and halves. With a wide range of materials, sizes, and colors, finding the perfect piece for your project at a moment’s notice can be time-consuming, complex and, generally, frustrating.
In the past, many factories had to rely on manual methods to locate and manage their slab inventory, which often involved teams of workers searching through large piles of slabs and halves, wasting valuable work time and resources. Oftentimes, these searches ended in frustration when the requested piece could not be found, or when it was discovered that a new slab had to be ordered, even though it was in stock.
SlabQR is an innovative inventory management software that provides a technological solution to the problem of maintaining, locating, and managing slabs and halves in the factory, from the moment the slabs enter the warehouse until they’re fully processed or sold. It combines advanced QR code generation, computerized inventory management, and visual display capabilities to enable real-time locating at the touch of a button.
The SlabQR implementation process starts with generating a QR code for each slab, half slab, or remainder. Then, workers can easily locate the product using a user-friendly search engine or by simply scanning the QR code. All information about the slabs is recorded in the system, and factory workers can search for slabs or halves based on dimension, color, material type, and other characteristics using an intuitive user interface. The system provides a visual representation of the available slab inventory, including the exact location of each slab.
One of the main benefits of SlabQR is the ability to share information about slabs in the inventory with other factories in the region (with mutual consent). This means that if a factory needs a specific slab, either full, half or leftover, its managers can check if another factory has a piece with the right dimension and purchase it, saving time, costs, and reducing waste.
With advanced capabilities for information sharing, real-time locating, and maintenance of an efficient and organized work environment, SlabQR is an important tool to save resources and reduce costs for manufacturing and slab processing plants. Whether it's large companies in the marble industry or smaller factories, the software provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for inventory management of leftover slabs and halves.