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Take full advantage of materials in the warehouse

Marble and stone slabs are highly valued by architects and designers for their exceptional beauty and durability. However, one challenge associated with these materials is the inevitable waste and leftover pieces produced during the manufacturing processes.

Halves and leftover pieces of marble, granite, Italian stone, and other natural stones are common byproducts of the stone processing work. During cutting, processing, and shaping of such stone products, portions of material are often discarded. Sometimes, factories are unable to utilize these portions due to a lack of coordination or logistical reasons, and they may end up being thrown away.

As quarrying marble and granite slabs is an expensive, energy-intensive, and time-consuming process, we believe that the loss of these valuable materials is a double tragedy – firstly, throwing these pieces wastes expensive production materials, and secondly, causes severe damage to the natural environment. The loss of these materials not only causes economic damage but also harms environmental sustainability.

SlabQR is an innovative software designed to help marble and natural stone factories manage slab and leftover inventory. It provides a user-friendly computerized system for tracking every half and leftover slab in the factory, maximizing the utilization of all materials.

"Before we implemented the software, we used to throw away many expensive slabs because we didn't know what to do with the leftover pieces," the manager of a marble factory tells us. "We were not aware of the surplus available in the market, so we felt we had to buy new slabs. SlabQR solves this and saves us a ton of money annually."

The exchange of information between nearby factories regarding the types and quantities of waste contributes to environmental sustainability. This practice facilitates increased recycling and utilization of leftover materials, ultimately reducing the need for new raw materials to be extracted from nature. This is positive news for the environment.

Learn more about Slab Locator

Thus, thanks to SlabQR technology, marble and stone factories worldwide can benefit from significant improvements in inventory utilization and waste reduction.